Tesla Model 3 production bottlenecks

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Tesla Model 3 production bottlenecks

Post by kevm14 »

http://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/tes ... smsnnews11
only 260 Model 3s have been produced since July. Musk previously predicted at least 1,500 cars would be built by the end of September.
Getting the estimated 500,000 deposit-holders in the driver's seat will require building more cars than the company's entire production output since its founding.
For much of this year, Musk has referred to (but not entirely explained) an "exponential growth" strategy for ramping up the Model 3 assembly lines, where capital from both investors and sales would be poured into the car's production ahead of other priorities. The company knows it won't be easy, as Musk alluded to the upcoming "manufacturing hell" at the Model 3 launch this summer. But it also never backed off his initial 1,500-unit Q3 goal, even if Wall Street started to last month.
It will be interesting to see if this impacts Bolt numbers. As we've discussed, the two buyer demographics actually don't really align that closely.
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