Audio Out- Stereo

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Audio Out- Stereo

Post by dochielomn »

Ok, so I'm typing this out mainly because if I have it written down and have a chance to step back and read it, perhaps the answer will dawn on me. So here's the issue. There is a desktop computer with an audio output jack/port in the back of the desktop and in the front of the desktop. Now, I have some headphones and an stereo audio extension cord (obviously to allow extension of the cable). When I plug in the stereo extension cord and headphones (obviously, headphones into extension cord and extension cord connects to the desktop) to the back audio port of the desktop, everything works fine. When I plug in this combination (headphones and stereo extension cord) into the front audio port, I basically get no audio (if I really concentrate, I can hear a glimpse of some audio). However, when I take a different audio stereo extension cord with the same headphones, I can get sound coming from the front audio output. So, what I'm trying to figure out is why the front audio output is being so picky. The 2 stereo extension cords in question are a radioshack (think it's like a 12ft cord) vs. a FOSPower cord (1ft). The FOSPower one is the one that doesn't work in the front. I'm just trying to figure out why the cord doesn't work in the front but works in the back audio port (thus showing that the cord isn't broken). The FOSPower cord also works in an ipod and does do the stereo audio. So, any ideas on what's going on? The front audio port on the desktop does work, it's just being picky with what cord it's allowing sound to travel through.
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Re: Audio Out- Stereo

Post by kevm14 »

So a couple things, and I think the quick answer is, it's the cord.

Windows, starting with Vista, allows only one audio output channel at a time. So when you connect a cable to the front port, what is happening is Windows is automatically shifting the audio output to that jack. It may be that one of the cords just doesn't trigger that switch for some reason.

On way to tell is, connect something to the rear audio, like speakers. Play a song. Connect the headphones to the front jack (no extension). Sound should divert to the headphones and stop playing on the speakers.

Now connect one or the other extensions to the headphones. I suspect when the one cord doesn't work, you will still hear sound from the speakers, confirming my theory.
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Re: Audio Out- Stereo

Post by dochielomn »

The cord is working though. It works perfectly fine on the rear audio out port on the desktop. When plugged into the front audio port, it basically doesn't work. However, if I also plug that cord into my ipod, it works perfectly there as well, thus proving, it's not that 1ft cord. If anything, it's just not compatible with the front audio port which doesn't make sense to me.

As for the desktop, it only sends out audio through 1 port at a time, as you suspected. I know this because I have headphones plugged into the front audio port and a headset plugged into the rear audio port. When a call is receive, I have to use the headset (since it's a pure digital phone system, so my desktop is the thing answering the phone) and so if I'm listening to music through the front audio port (aka, headphone) and a call comes in, the rear audio port takes over and my headset answers the call while my headphones get automatically muted.

So I get how the computer is acting, I just can't understand why the new extension cord (only 1ft) doesn't operate with the front audio port but will work exactly how it's intended to with the rear audio port on the same desktop.
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