Cadillac CTS-V2 hunt

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Re: Cadillac CTS-V2 hunt

Post by kevm14 »

Just for documentation purposes....he did get back to me since then.

Last Friday he got back to me with this:
Hi Kevin,

It would appear I've been stood up the buyer and I haven't been able to get a hold of him. The car is available for sale as far as I'm concerned if your still interested. Let me know what else I can answer for you to facilitate a drama free sale.

Kind Regards,
I replied with the following, that evening:

That’s too bad. Or maybe not.

Could you snap a few pics of the headlights close up? Maybe one under the engine if it isn’t completely covered, one of the diff area, one under the middle area? And I guess one straight on with the front bumper and hood if you would be so kind.

Another question I haven’t asked. What kind of tires does it have and approx. remaining tread?

We’ll have to talk on the phone at some point but still working out a few things. Haven’t sold my V but working out what it would take if I did not sell right away…

He never replied. And I check like every day expecting, maybe even hoping, that the ad will be down. But it's still up.

So I finally replied to him again just now:

Any interest in getting me those pictures? And answering my question on the tires?

I figure if he ignores me or tells me to F off then maybe I'll consider this over and move on.
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Re: Cadillac CTS-V2 hunt

Post by kevm14 »

He responded right away last night. Within 24 hours of my email last Friday he accepted another deposit.
Hey Kevin,

Sorry for not following-up sooner. I accepted a deposit on the car this past Saturday and am planning to meet with the buyer tomorrow morning to complete the transaction. Assuming there no 11th hour drama it should be a done deal. Will let you know if it falls through.

Kind Regards,
I have prepared my statement if he really comes back around.

"You've almost sold the car twice for $20k. If you'd like you can sell it for real for $18k."

Harsh. But I'm half joking and really it's only if he gets all bent out of shape.
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Re: Cadillac CTS-V2 hunt

Post by bill25 »

Did it sell? If so, I wonder what the deal/story was...
Posts: 15333
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: Cadillac CTS-V2 hunt

Post by kevm14 »

It's gone from autotrader. I don't know if I want to email him again.

I definitely missed out on a good car at a good price but some other circumstances weren't aligned enough to take advantage. Not really ready to buy my V2....and not ready to spend that kind of money on a car - that I won't drive much. The V1 was grandfathered in as a garage queen. I bought it under different life conditions. Just can't see spending $20k on something that will just sit in the garage.

If I had driven it I probably would have tripped over myself trying to buy it somehow, and I know that on some level I dropped the ball here...

And I was thinking about the "won't drive much" part. Yes, it did occur to me that if I simply changed the STS into a winter/bad weather car, and the V2 into the everything-else car, then maybe on some level this would have made more sense. It was already a bottom of market car. Even at 200k, it would probably be worth 5 figures. But then I started thinking about the shitty roads, sand blasting, and the fact that there is really nowhere to responsibly use wide open throttle on a vehicle at that performance level. What's the point? The STS-V makes more sense even though this V2 would have been a fun car to drive and certainly fun from a bragging rights standpoint. But I'm an adult so there are more factors to look at than how "awesome" a car is. I did not have an overwhelming desire to drive that V2 every single day. Maybe that would have changed if I was able to test drive. But I already have my V and I don't have an overwhelming desire to drive it every single day as it is.

Part of the lesson is I need to drive one. Another is if I am serious about replacing my V, I need to sell preemptively. Which goes back to my STS-V plan that I laid out earlier.
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