Garage door repair

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Garage door repair

Post by kevm14 »

This was an Ian move. He locked the garage door...on purpose. But Jamie didn't realize. She went to open the door and it ripped the upper panel apart before finally stopping. It does have an upper force adjustment so I could back it off a bit (it is on default now). No pics of the damage. I had visions of having to replace the door or at least upper panel. No idea how the glass didn't shatter. Anyway, I put the door back down but it was floppy and did not seal properly. Nor would I want to run it this way as it would continue ripping itself apart.

So I scrounged around in my pile and found a piece of angle with some holes. Then I found 3 short lag bolts. Drilled some pilots and....bam, fixed.

Pics in a minute.
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