G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

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G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by FixItFelix »

So my laptops been having memory issues for the past couple months. Random freezing occurs but basically the laptop is still usable if I leave it on. This stemmed from the first issue I had when my laptop would not reboot. Turning off uefi boot fixed the issue, temporarily. Random freezing still occurs and I'm pretty sure one of the RAM cards is bad. This laptop was bought in 2011 btw.

I've decided today to take care of the RAM issue by taking out 1 piece of RAM and using the windows memory diagnostics tool (I've done this already with all 4 sticks of RAM installed and left the tool running for 2.5 hours with no progress). It turns out that DIMM slot 3 is located at the back of the motherboard and is not easily accessible so I'm hoping it will be DIMM 1,2,4 with the problem. After this issue is taken care of I will have to address the windows firewall issue.

I cannot turn on windows firewall and when I manually try to enable it there is an error. Not sure if this is tied with the RAM issue but I figure reformatting would be the simplest solution. It sucks that I have to reinstall 8 and go to 8.1 from there. I don't remember all the drivers that I had to install and the process to update the BIOS. Here is the link to the asus BIOS
http://support.asus.com/download.aspx?S ... A6SWdBvaRd

I think the rest of the drivers were found in the asus cd that came with my laptop ( FN keys, volume control, laptop viewing modes, etc.) or at this link:
http://support.asus.com/download.aspx?S ... A6SWdBvaRd

Anyways Mulligan or Kevin, do you remember how to update the bios? I believe it was a simple application that would flash the bios and a quick reboot possibly enabling UEFI on the way.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by kevm14 »

The UEFI setting doesn't require a BIOS flash. You have whatever BIOS version you had before. Not sure if what you have is fully up to date. If you've flashed it in the past ~1.5 years then I bet it's up to date.

As I said today, if the memory diagnostic tool is failing, then there is little point to reinstalling the OS since there seems to be a hardware problem. It isn't guaranteed to be RAM but it's not a bad first guess and the troubleshooting is pretty easy (aside from DIMM slot 3). I think we decided it wasn't CPU overheating but it might be good to confirm the temps.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by Adam »

If there are memory test failures, it is either a DIMM or the motherboard. Try to isolate it to a slot, DIMM, or a combination of DIMM/slot issue. If Windows memory test is inconclusive, grab a Linux live CD and run Memtest86. Not sure what the minimum memory configuration is for that thing (1 DIMM, 2 DIMM, etc..) but run that with different combinations of DIMMs and slots.

Once the H/W issue is cleared up, you can move on to the firewall (or just reinstall the OS).
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by FixItFelix »

So many hours later... (5 to be exact) I
1. could not find the RAM issue because DIMM slot 3 is under the motherboard so only DIMM slot 1, 2, 4 is accessible. I could only test DIMM 4 (which btw froze the memory test) because DIMM slots have to be populated in order: 1, 1&2, 1&2&3, 1&2&3&4 according to the manual. Oddly enough DIMM slot 4 (according to the operate manual) was DIMm slot 2 according to CPUID. I also took out slots 1 and 2 and the computer would not boot up. I tried the other combinations with no results.

2. I reinstalled the OS anyways and will probably have some degraded functionality at some point. The reason why it took so long was because my windows 8 pro cd key is an UPGRADE one. So not only did I have a preview windows 8 OS edition after I wiped the C drive, but I couldn't upgrade to windows 8.1 obviously. So I found a windows 7 ultimate image on my HD which I thought would work but the cd key I had on the bottom of my laptop was an OEM key. Now I was beginning to lose hope, but tried it anyways and of course it did not work. So i installed windows 7 ultimate as a 30 day trial, obtained windows home edition via some means :geek:, mounted it, and installed it. And low and behold the cd key worked. The rest is history of course.

Bottom line is that I have a working legit OS again. Bad news is I have no idea what that freezing was back in the day because RAM diagnostics failed me.
I might have attempted to chat with a windows support person which of course turned out to be completely useless.

Needless to say I think the lesson here is to back your shit up and have a plan before wiping your harddrive. I blame this on diablo 3 which was the end goal in all this.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by FixItFelix »

I'm not sure that its the RAM issue.. it could be this

http://www.maketecheasier.com/disable-h ... windows-8/

Hybrid boot
http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... 0775158470

Same problem with my dads laptop worked fine on Windows 8 just 8.1 causing the issue.

The problem is caused by Hybrid boot. If you noticed when you restart your system via restart button you will notice it will always boot without fail since restart does not use Hybrid boot.

Since I use a SSD I see little need for Hybrid Boot. You can disable this by disabling the Hibernation File. This will make your bootup longer but only Windows 7 speed bootup.

http://www.maketecheasier.com/disable-h ... windows-8/

The Above link will set you straight and make your system always boot up 100%.

I myself just disable the Hibernation File since I see no need for it since I use a SSD.

I have an SSD and updated to w8 last time so it fits the description... we'll see if this resolves things. I'd like to hope that the RAM is fine and that the RAM test is fucked up.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by FixItFelix »

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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by FixItFelix »

Also had this freezing problem when I was updating LAST time. This time it didn't happen but it could resolve my hang up issue

http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... 16a4af97c9

I just don't want to mess with the HW plus the computer's 3 years old.. RAM seems to be pretty durable...
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by Adam »

If you are tired of it, I will buy the laptop from you for $100.

But seriously, do you still suspect a RAM issue? What does that run for RAM, DDR3? I might have some working spare DIMMs you can borrow for testing.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by kevm14 »

He's too lazy to remove DIMM #3.
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Re: G73JW-XA1 RAM issue / other issues

Post by Adam »

Well, I give up. Unless I can buy it for $100.
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