In 2008 people needed hope and elected it. But we conservatives did not get the hope and change we wanted, so we switched places with liberals. When people like me raised questions about Barack Obama’s history, relationships and qualifications, we were dismissed. For our concerns, we were told to get ready for a “fundamental transformation”; we were bitter and clung to our guns and God.
From the swelling ranks of the frustrated, disenfranchised, unemployed and scared, the Tea Party sprouted. The media made Occupy Wall Street into heroes, while the Tea Party was called a bunch of dangerous hicks. I don’t think any of us truly understood what was fermenting around us.
I don’t question your right and reasons to feel fear. But don’t fear Donald Trump the way I feared Barack Obama. I read a perfect election summation: The people who were against Mr. Trump took him literally but not seriously. His supporters took him seriously but not literally. It is the same pattern of 2000 and 2008. We heard President Obama was coming for our church and our guns. We were mocked. We thought those who laughed were lying or stupid. Yet, I still go to church, sometimes with a gun.