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Post by kevm14 »

Discount through employer = 15%. Unlike AT&T, it applies to the whole bill. It does not apply to the device monthly cost, if you don't pay upfront - but there is no interest on that which is more than fair, except the device cost is a little higher than you would pay if you bought elsewhere.

For me, here are the plan specs:
2 lines
Assume I bring my own phones, but like I said above, you can take the new phone cost and spread it over 24 months if you want
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited text
Wifi calling (this is free and can be handy)
Line 1: 2.5GB data, throttled thereafter (no overage), hotspot included (NICE)
Line 2: 500MB data, throttled thereafter (no overage), hotspot included (NICE)
T-mobile has LTE (not everywhere yet), but their HSPA+ speeds are best in the country, often matching other carriers' LTE anyway

Regular price: $90/mo before taxes/fees
With employer discount (15%): $76.50 before taxes/fees

Currently I am paying $125/mo after discount before taxes/fees on AT&T. But that includes a device subsidy. Add $200 for a phone upgrade for my line (520 is probably free on contract - or don't upgrade her line at all). 24 month cost (before taxes/fees) on AT&T = $125 * 24 + 200 = $3200.

So if we add a Lumia 925 and Lumia 521 to T-mobile (the only officially offered Windows Phones), the monthly price goes up to $102.50. 24 month cost on T-mobile would be like $2500, depending on what devices I buy.

So $29.17/mo savings. Given the coverage issues and lack of LTE, it's not like I'm tripping over myself to switch right now. I'm also not sure if I can truly bring my own phone, or have to select one of their officially compatible phones (first I have to find a phone that I'd want to buy). But it's enough to be interesting.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

Isn't this interesting. AT&T recently announced a new Mobile Share Value plan, as opposed to the Mobile Share I currently have.

It's almost like they announced this to specifically retain me as a customer. I say this is the free market at work. This large carrier is responding to price pressure from T-Mobile and the MVNOs, in my estimation. Glad to see that.

The chat was useful and somewhat amusing, so here it is:
Thank you for your patience! Your AT&T Representative will be with you shortly.
Welcome! You are now chatting with 'Christian Sanders'
Christian Sanders: Lovely to have you here Kevin! I would love to help you on your Mobile Share Value query today.
Christian Sanders: What questions do you have for me regarding Mobile Share value plan?
Kevin: Well I understand if my devices are no longer on contract, I could save some money by switching to the Mobile Share Value plan
Christian Sanders: Yes, that is correct.
Kevin: So, first question, is my account currently eligible for this plan? I believe it is as of a week or two ago
Christian Sanders: With a 2-year service commitment, a smartphone requirement is for $40.00 but with no annual service contract, that will be for $25.00.
Kevin: Does the price change for feature phones?
Christian Sanders: What do you mean feature phones?
Kevin: I believe you call them "Basic/messaging phones"
Christian Sanders: Oh I see. For basic phones, the price would be for $20.00.
Kevin: Ok
Kevin: so will you help me run through the billing scenario?
Kevin: Currently, I believe this is my plan. $50 for 2GB data. $45 for a smartphone line. $30 for a messaging phone line. $125/mo service charges (before tax/fees and discount). Is this right?
Christian Sanders: Yes, that is absolutely correct.
Kevin: My plan also includes wifi hotspot.
Christian Sanders: Yes, your plan also includes that.
Kevin: ok
Kevin: Now help me understand the new plan
Kevin: Assuming I keep my current phones
Kevin: and I keep the 2GB data
Kevin: what would the cost breakdown look like
Kevin: Is it still $50 for 2GB?
Christian Sanders: Well, the 2GB would now be for $55.00
Christian Sanders: You can now choose for the no annual service contract for smartphones which are now for $25.00 and for the 2-year service agreement, this would be for $40.00.
Kevin: Ok, I understand. How about for the messaging phone?
Christian Sanders: For the basic/messaging phone, that would be for $20.00.
Kevin: Normally $30?
Christian Sanders: Yes, that is correct. :)
Kevin: alright
Kevin: I'm not sure if you answered my first question - is my account eligible for switching to the no contract plan?
Christian Sanders: Thank you so much for patiently waiting.
Christian Sanders: Your account is definitely eligible for switching to the no contract plan.
Kevin: great
Kevin: please standby while I run some quick numbers
Kevin: oh
Kevin: I almost forgot
Kevin: is wifi hotspot still included in the 2GB data?
Christian Sanders: Alright. Yes, mobile hotspot is included in all mobile share value plans. :)
Kevin: are there any actual service differences between the old Mobile Share and new Mobile Share Value?
Kevin: it seems like it is the same, but I have to ask and document it in this conversation
Christian Sanders: Well, it is basically the same, but what is the difference is that for the new customers who will be availing of this new Mobile Share value plans.
Kevin: well I just want to make sure it's just a cost structure change, and no other differences are going to pop up (for example I was concerned about the wifi hotspot)
Christian Sanders: Also, there is now the 8GBdata plan with this Mobile Share value plans.
Christian Sanders: I understand that. There is no other differences with that.
Kevin: so there's no service agreement...no ETF...no contract
Christian Sanders: Wi-fi hotspot is also included in that.
Christian Sanders: Yes, you are correct. :)
Kevin: awesome
Kevin: it looks like I am going to save about $30/mo
Kevin: after discount and taxes
Christian Sanders: Yes, that is correct Kevin. :)
Kevin: and I'll tell you what, I was looking at T-Mobile since I am recently off my 2 year service agreement...I was going to save $50, but with this, I would save $20...still cheaper but these plans couldn't have been timed better.
Kevin: so I would like to switch
Kevin: to the 2GB value
Kevin: xx11 smartphone and xx12 the messaging phone
Christian Sanders: Well, I understand that. AT&T has the largest high speed network in America. That means you get connections from a network you can trust! AT&T customers have access to the nations largest 4G network. This means you can do more of the things you love in more places. :)
Kevin: well
Kevin: I'll tell you something else
Kevin: T-Mobile has significantly better service at my house
Kevin: and at my local AT&T store
Kevin: a little embarrassing...
Kevin: but I digress
Christian Sanders: Thank you so much for choosing AT&T! We perfectly and highly appreciate your business Kevin.
Kevin: there will be no tax/fee difference on the Value plan right? I'm computing about 15% between taxes and fees and I always thought that seemed high
Christian Sanders: Yes, there will be no difference when it comes to taxes and fees.
Kevin: Is 15% correct?
Kevin: My latest bill was $136.77
Kevin: before taxes and fees it is $117.50
Kevin: meaning taxes/fees are $19.27 which is about 15%
Christian Sanders: Yes, 15% is correct.
Kevin: alright
Kevin: Please switch my account to Value as we discussed
Christian Sanders: It is $20.51. :)
Kevin: What is $20.51
Christian Sanders: The $20.51 is 15% of your $136.77 balance Kevin.
Kevin: yeah but the taxes and fees are $19.27
Christian Sanders: Yes, that is correct Kevin. Sorry for the confusion earlier.
Kevin: which is about 15% of $125 (I assume the taxes and fees are computed on my pre-discounted service charge)
Kevin: anyway
Kevin: please continue
Christian Sanders: Alright.
Christian Sanders: Just a heads up Kevin, since the launch of this Mobile Share Value plan would be effective tomorrow, it will be definitely available on our online and billing system by tomorrow.
Kevin: Ok.
Christian Sanders: You know what, I would love to take care of this for you.
Kevin: oh no
Christian Sanders: I can definitely offer you a personal callback tomorrow and we can definitely switch your plan to this Mobile Share Value plan by tomorrow.
Kevin: A personal callback? Like the phone?
Christian Sanders: Yes, I can call you back at your best number and the best and at your most convenient time.
Kevin: Wow
Kevin: Ok...well use the xx11 number
Kevin: time wise, 9am ought to work
Christian Sanders: Thank you. So what is the best time that I can call you by tomorrow Kevin? :)
Christian Sanders: Can I call you at around 1PM tomorrow? :)
Kevin: haha
Kevin: Alright
Kevin: I didn't realize the live chat people also did phone CSR
Christian Sanders: Well, now you know Kevin! haha ^_^
Christian Sanders: You just deserve the top notch and exceptional customer service experience because you are with AT&T! ^_^
Kevin: I look forward to taking care of this with you tomorrow at 1pm
Christian Sanders: Not a problem. I look forward also to that. :)
Christian Sanders: Please expect a call back from me at around 1PM. ^_^
Kevin: I certainly will
Christian Sanders: Just to make sure, do you have other questions before I let you go or what else can I help you with today?
Kevin: I appreciate that. I think we've covered everything. Obviously if I think of anything else I'll ask you tomorrow :)
Christian Sanders: Alright! haha ^_^
Christian Sanders: It has been my pleasure assisting you today Kevin.
Kevin: How do I get an e-mail log of this?
Christian Sanders: Well, you will have the option of copying and pasting this conversation we just had. :)
Kevin: already done :)
Kevin: I thought there was an official transcript thing
Kevin: nevermind then
Kevin: Have a good day
Christian Sanders: Enjoy the rest of your day. Take care and stay awesome always! Have a blast weekend Kevin. Thank you for choosing AT&T!
Basically, they changed the rates around a little bit. But more importantly, they now FINALLY recognize that if I have run through my 2 year service agreement period (which I have), then I shouldn't have to continue paying the full service cost, as that includes a new device subsidy. Of course, that means I either keep the phones I have, or start paying full price for them if I want something new.

So here's the breakdown.

Plan I have now:

Code: Select all

2GB data - $50 ($42.50 15% discount)
Smartphone - $45
Featurephone - $30
$125 ($117.50) (w/ tax+fees = $136.77)
The Mobile Share Value plan if I keep the phones I have or pay off-contract price for new phones.

Code: Select all

Value no contract
2GB data - $55 ($46.75 15% discount)
Smartphone - $25
Featurephone: $20
$100 ($91.75) (w/ tax+fees = $107 est)
Whoa, that's nearly $30/mo savings. T-Mobile was going to save about $50 (similarly requiring full price device purchases) but that's now cut down to $20. I should be fair and point out that the T-Mobile plan offers an additional 1GB of data and gives Jamie a smartphone (which would be an additional $15 on my current plan but only $5 on the new Value plan), in addition to all the network service/speed observations I have made. Still, it goes a long way toward retaining me as a customer, because right now I have not found a phone I want to buy off contract and use on T-Mobile.

What it also means is that they consider the smartphone subsidy to be $15/mo or $360 over 2 years. Oddly, the feature phone subsidy is $240...either way, these numbers are mostly inline with on- and off-contract phone pricing. This is good news in terms of the smartphone market. Previously, the existence of great low cost smartphones like the Lumia 520 or Lumia 521 made no real impact on the big carriers because if the device subsidy is $360, and everyone ends up re-upping, then it made no sense to get a phone that costs less than $360. Now, it does. And we should see additional market reaction in terms of off contract phone cost. Great.

And if I decide I want to use the device subsidy and resulting 2 year service agreement, the Value plan looks like this:

Code: Select all

Value contract
2GB data - $55 ($46.75 15% discount)
Smartphone - $40
Featurephone - $30
$125 ($116.75) (w/ tax+fees = $136 est)

Tax + fees roughly 15%
The same as I am paying now. So I have to say bravo AT&T. Plus this customer service engagement was pleasant. Admittedly, all customer service engagements have been successful with AT&T over the past 2 years. I will give them that.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

I am now 2 months into this new plan and this was my estimation of the new bill:

Code: Select all

Value no contract
2GB data - $55 ($46.75 15% discount)
Smartphone - $25
Featurephone: $20
$100 ($91.75) (w/ tax+fees = $107 est)
Month 1 was pro-rated so I had to wait until month 2 to compare. The bill came in at $105.79, which means taxes/fees total 15.3%. So my estimation was pretty close. I am saving exactly $30.98, by getting rid of a $360 smartphone subsidy (from off-contract carrier locked pricing, which itself is a bit subsidized compared to real unlocked/international phones) and a $240 feature phone subsidy. If T-Mobile has the exact same 15.3% tax + fee schedule, I would save $17.58/mo if I switch.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

I guess I should change the title to AT&T...
ATT 2GB 55 to 40.png
So another $15 savings, with no other changes. Overages at $15 per 1GB, which seems fine. So my bill should drop from the $105.79 down to something in the low 90s, which is only a few dollars more than I estimated my T-Mobile bill would have been. Competition. I can also thank T-Mobile for making this happen. Of course, if Jamie upgrades to a smartphone that'll be another $5/mo so I guess it's still maybe ~$8 more expensive than T-Mobile would have been.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

kevm14 wrote: For me, here are the plan specs:
2 lines
Assume I bring my own phones, but like I said above, you can take the new phone cost and spread it over 24 months if you want
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited text
Wifi calling (this is free and can be handy)
Line 1: 2.5GB data, throttled thereafter (no overage), hotspot included (NICE)
Line 2: 500MB data, throttled thereafter (no overage), hotspot included (NICE)
T-mobile has LTE (not everywhere yet), but their HSPA+ speeds are best in the country, often matching other carriers' LTE anyway

Regular price: $90/mo before taxes/fees
With employer discount (15%): $76.50 before taxes/fees
T-Mobile has revised their plans a little bit (competition!!), possibly to coincide with them making a big push to roll out LTE where they currently only offer 2G (presumably on AWS, but they are also interested in the 700MHz spectrum).

New setup:
(same) 2 lines
(same) Assume I bring my own phones, but like I said above, you can take the new phone cost and spread it over 24 months if you want
(same) Unlimited minutes
(same) Unlimited text
(same) Wifi calling (this is free and can be handy)
(new) Line 1: 3GB data, throttled thereafter (no overage)
(new) Line 2: 1GB data, throttled thereafter (no overage)

Damn, so another 500MB for each line, for the exact same price. I don't see anything about tethering allowance but I assume it's limited to my data bucket.

And don't forget "Unlimited data & text in 120+ countries & destinations" which is also kind of awesome (if I traveled internationally).

This should be roughly the same as what I am paying now on AT&T, except I get 4GB data between the two lines (versus 2GB now). On AT&T, if I go over my bucket, they just charge me like $15/gig, which isn't bad. T-Mobile has no overage, just throttling. Not that I go over my 2GB bucket so I guess that's not a big deal for me...
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Re: T-mobile

Post by Bob »

The international data and text perk is pretty nice. If I was in the market for a personal plan, that would certainly be something that would interest me. The wifi calling is one thing on my work T-mobile blackberry that has actually been useful occasionally. One such example was when we went to the dragon and there was no cell service, but our hotel had wifi.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

Whelp, T-Mobile is out. Sucks.

http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/31/55678 ... of-april-1

I think this will put them more expensive than AT&T (by $11), though with more data, and perks. Too bad. Now I'm pretty convinced AT&T is the carrier to be on, at least for me.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by Adam »

For reals? They have not informed me of this change in advance. This makes it ~$10 more a month for me, which sucks. I am on a contract through June I think but should be able to at least switch to a cheaper plan then (my current plan is no longer available).

I will have to keep an eye on this.
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Re: T-mobile

Post by Adam »

So they have an "at a glace" view which shows me last month's bill and the current month's bill. They still have the corporate discount listed on this billing period which ends on 4/13. Maybe the change comes on the next billing period after 4/1? Or was this just some terrible April Fools' joke?
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Re: T-mobile

Post by kevm14 »

Existing beneficiaries, meanwhile, will see their discount phased out on April 25.
Their site still shows it. I put in my work e-mail again to see what it says on the other end. Makes me glad I didn't pay out the ass for an off-contract phone and switch to these jerks!

One small detail...
The Uncarrier's latest move will be a bit of a hit for small and large businesses. However, government employees and members of the military will continue to receive the discount.
Make of that what you will, though it looks to me like you'll lose your discount...
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