This one is pretty interesting actually. Apparently at least under the veil of "I know this is politically incorrect" people can express some opinions/ideas that they have. That's something.
Some examples:
Another one:Child labour, as immoral as it may sound, is the way out of poverty for millions of families in countries with acute poverty. Children aren’t forced into jobs because their parents are mean or greedy. Parents send their kids to work rather than to school only when they are unable to feed the family. Child labour wasn’t the family’s underlying problem. It was poverty. Countries with no child labour aren’t the ones with the most stringent labour laws, they are the ones with sufficiently high GDP per capita.
Child labour laws do rid the patient of the disease, but only by killing him. According to a literature review[1] , India’s child labour ban of 1986 causes a decline in child workers’ wages relative to adults. As a result, child labour increased following the ban.
Your good intentions will not help the teen harvesting cocoa in Ghana or the one sewing your next sweatshirt in Bangladesh. It will condemn them to a life of hunger and death or force them into jobs that are far worse (like mining and prostitution).
On religion:Here's my most "politically incorrect" view:
There are microevolutionary differences between so-called racial populations.
I know that race is largely a fluid, even social, construct and that all humans descend from a common lineage and genetic differences are rather slight. However, there are some populations that have developed in relationship to their environment and consequently have particular traits or skills that might be more "advanced" than other groups. For example, you'll never see an Inuit sprinter take the gold at any Olympics. Genetic inheritance will give the average Inuit person a particular physique that was designed for a particular environment - running extremely fast on open ground is not part of this reality. Sprinting is dominated by individuals of west African ancestry. Just a handful of non-Africans even place near the top. Although the timing involved is really not that large, west Africans are the world's top sprinters, because they have that genetic edge. There are other populations that have really highly developed spatial skills, Asians tend to have higher math skills, etc.
When speaking about racial differences, it becomes almost a taboo subject and perhaps the fear is that it is used to label people "better" or "worse" or "more advanced/less advanced," etc. But, that is taking the differences in the human spectrum way too far. The obvious differences that are found in genetic clusters of human beings are just DIFFERENT, not better or worse. In the end, just like in individuals, we all have are strengths and weaknesses and when we take them all into account, most people are not much different. But, even bringing this subject up is problematic, since it is so sensitive.
On voter turnout complaints:Religious beliefs aren’t special or sacred.
If you want to have religious beliefs, that’s fine. But don’t expect for them to be exalted by others just because those beliefs are religious.
If I said I’m a follower of the Purple Unicorn god, and deserve XYZ days off from work for religious observances, you’d probably scoff at me.
So why should some other, more popular religious beliefs be any different, just because it has more followers?
If you have religious beliefs, you are more than welcome to. But have those beliefs on your own time, and don’t expect other people to make accommodations, concessions, and bend over backwards for you because you have those beliefs.
A little while back at my grad school, a bunch of SJW’s got together and presented a list of “demands” to the administration.
Among those was a totally unrealistic demand that the university provide designated prayer rooms in all academic and residential buildings for students of Muslim faith. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
The only saving grace was that in his response, the university President said in the most BNBR friendly way possible that their demands were absolutely ludicrous, asinine, and unrealistic.
If you want to have religious beliefs, you are more than welcome to. If you want to have religious beliefs, you shouldn’t have to face harassment or discrimination because of those beliefs. But religious beliefs aren’t sacred or special just because a lot of people follow the same beliefs.
When a Plane Seat Next to a Woman Is Against Orthodox Faith
If someone made a stink that they couldn’t sit next to me on a plane because of their “religious beliefs”, I would certainly have some non-BNBR-friendly things to say to them.
Don’t expect people to make special accommodations for you because of a certain set of beliefs that you choose to follow.
On alternative energy and marriage:I don’t share the hand-wringing, phony wailing over “the low voter turnout” in US elections. Why? Because many, many people are low information voters. I believe that a high % of the no shows at election time are apathetic, low information voters.
We are clearly better off that these people stayed home and let the better informed voters decide the elections.
On transgender:Through my own research, I have decided that Solar Panels and Windmills cause more damage than they fix, and that Nuclear energy is the only energy worth investing time and money in.
As someone who does not believe in a God (I guess you would call that an Atheist, although they seem to be just as militant as religious folk) I believe religious institutions should not be forced by the state to partake in the marraige (or ceremony of that religion that involves two people becoming one, whatever you want to call that) of homosexuals, but that the state should provide a service which does make anyone partners (brothers and sisters, best friends, lovers of all orientations, parent and child, polyagamous relationships) and provides the same legal status as a married coupled. People do not have to be in love to be in a partnership and people in love do not need to have it ratified by 'religious' institutions.
On illegal immigration:I don't think biological sex and gender are different.
For those who are less educated in the SJW hell hole. People think that you can feel like a boy one day and a female the other or none on most days.
How? How do you exactly feel like a male or a female, or none? Does your chest feel lighter on some days? Do you grow a third leg on some days? Or on some days does your genitalia just...close up?
I understand feeling masculine sometimes and sometimes a bit feminine. I wear nail polish on some days and I wear tank tops and combat boots on others. But I don't feel like it's based on gender.
How does one exactly feel gender? Not every male is masculine and alpha, and not every female is an emotional and petite being.
Stop making problems for yourself and getting therapy because you spend too much time on Tumblr.
And again on child labor:That illegal immigration is a HUGE problem in this nation, and that we should take whatever steps are necessary to put a stop to it (including sending illegal aliens living here back to their home nations).
Preface: I am ABSOLUTELY FOR LEGAL immigration. It is what made this nation great at one time.
I am for LEGAL immigration, just as much as I am AGAINST illegal aliens flooding our borders.
I also believe that "our" government is actively USING this issue to divide the Populace so that we don't notice that they are NOT working for Us.
Here's Why:
1) There have been, to date, 4 "amnesty" programs allowing illegal aliens to become citizens. This sends a CLEAR, and direct, message that illegal aliens are welcome to ignore, and bid defiance to, our laws because if they just wait long enough there will be yet another "amnesty" program.
2) There has been virtually NO enforcement of existing Federal Law in this issue over the last 40 years, and the few states which stood up and tried to ENFORCE EXISTING LAW were actively STOPPED by the Feds.
These actions mean that the Feds WANT illegal immigration to continue... (No matter what they say about it, action tells ALL!)
Corporations benefit because they get lower cost workers.
Who gets screwed? Citizens because having a large pool of illegal workers forces labor rates to be artificially low. Illegal Aliens because they work under the table for lower rates, and because when they DO get an SSI number to give the appearance of working legally it is a STOLEN number and SSI won't ever pay out on it.
Doubt me: try to get a job at any fast food place or as a construction laborer (especially in landscaping). In Construction labor you will get the SAME $12 per hour to start that I was getting in the 1990s. You will "Cap out" at the SAME $22 per hour as you would have in the 90s (with 1/2 the purchasing power or less).
On mandated, paid maternity leave:Sweat shops do more to relieve poverty than foreign aid.
There is a tendency to protest businesses who take advantage of cheap labor overseas due to working conditions, wages, etc. However what many neglect to realize is that these corporations have allowed millions to escape poverty. Sure when living in America one tends to think of working 11hrs a day for $1/hour as evil. But the reason so many pursue these jobs is because they are better than the alternatives.
Indeed these jobs not only provide better pay, but also better opportunities for upward mobility for the workers and their families. In fact sweat shop workers earn three times as much as the national income in developing countries. This would indicate that those who work these positions are better off than most people in their country.
Furthermore, advocating against these institutions hurts the workers. In one famous 1993 case U.S. senator Tom Harkin proposed banning imports from countries that employed children in sweatshops. In response a factory in Bangladesh laid off 50,000 children. What was their next best alternative? According to the British charity Oxfam a large number of them became prostitutes.
Now compare the effects of sweat shops to that of foreign aid. While the former gives individuals a path to better their lives, the latter often fuels corrupt regimes which give little to no regard for the poor.
Let me clarify the last one. He is not saying paid maternity leave is bad. Just that it shouldn't be mandated. A company is of course free to offer this as a perk/benefit.I will probably be lynched by the feminist mob for saying this, but my most “controversial” political opinion is that women are not entitled to paid maternity leave.
Having children is a CHOICE. Except in the rare cases of rape, no one is forced to have children. Yes, the later stages of pregnancy make it difficult if not impossible to work and after childbirth, one requires time before returning to the workforce. But guess what? You chose that. You made the informed choice to get pregnant. What if I demanded a year of paid leave because I wanted to travel the world, or go back to school? You would (rightly) say that since I chose to engage in these endeavours, it's up to me to finance them. Same thing. Your employer isn't obligated to pay you when you aren't working. If you cannot afford to have a baby without paid leave maybe you should wait until you can?
I also don't think mandated paid maternity leave will help women. Employers will simply choose to hire more men rather than take the risk of hiring a woman who may take a year or more off from work. This will lead to more discrimination against women in the workplace, not less.
It's not just maternity leave. I think the government should stop incentivizing and rewarding reproduction, especially considering the over population issue. People do not deserve tax benefits, preferential housing, welfare, or any sort of special treatment just because they’ve bred.