
Non-repair car talk
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Post by kevm14 »

Not all motorcyclists. The assholes.

See that move at the end? Brilliant. Now I ask: why do bikers think they can mess with cars? Think of it this way, guys: every moment a car doesn't run you over is a gift. So drive accordingly, assholes. Gang-like behavior of every form needs to be stopped by any force necessary. I just have no tolerance for it.
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Re: Motorcyclists

Post by bill25 »

Thanks to:
allcot1's post:
Edited is right when she stops at 1:50 the mirror is fine but as she pulls away at 1:58 the mirror is busted.Funny did not show the hit or kick.But did show them assaulting the driver through the window.Also I do not think this is a female.
The bikers edited the video. After they stopped, they broke the cars rearview mirror but edited that out. Then the car smashed the bike.
Posts: 15446
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: Motorcyclists

Post by kevm14 »

I'm really not surprised. Riding with a GoPro seems like the current generation thing to do. And since not a single motorcyclist has ever done anything wrong, the video will only serve to prove their innocence (or will do so after some....tweaking).
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