Ford and Microsoft break up.

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Ford and Microsoft break up.

Post by bill25 »

I guess Ford is the only entity that wasn't told that Blackberry is obsolete... ... ?hpt=hp_t4
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Re: Ford and Microsoft break up.

Post by kevm14 »

This isn't news. We knew they were switching to QNX early this year. This story obviously irritates me because most people just assume it was MS's fault (can't be their beloved Ford). But actually, MS provided the underlying platform and Ford specifies both the hardware and is responsible for the UI that sits on top of the platform. MS doesn't build the entire system and deliver it to Ford. That's not how their business model works. The downside is, Ford specified underperforming hardware (to save cost/increase profits as expected) and the UI spoke for itself. That then casts MS in a bad light, whether or not that is legitimate. It is no different than an OEM shipping a very low end PC on slow, unreliable hardware, and installing a ton of bloatware totally ruining the UX for the customer. Who does the customer blame? Maybe not entirely MS, but I can assure you MS takes a lot of heat for that kind of stuff.

Apple doesn't suffer from this kind of thing because they own both the hardware and software platforms and integrate in-house.
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Re: Ford and Microsoft break up.

Post by bill25 »

Getting away from the Ford aspect...

Microsoft doesn't make their own hardware, but Microsoft allowing their products to be installed on and sold on inadequate hardware is their fault. Microsoft shifting blame is a complete cop out.

They know their hardware requirements, so they should not allow Dell, HP etc. to install their OS on less than the minimum hardware. In the end, I think it hurts Microsoft the most, so they should do something about it.

It did nobody good to sell Vista on Laptops with 1 or 2 Gigs of RAM.

I am a Microsoft fan, so I think they should not be set up to fail, which is really what was happening.
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Re: Ford and Microsoft break up.

Post by kevm14 »

billgiacheri wrote:They know their hardware requirements, so they should not allow Dell, HP etc. to install their OS on less than the minimum hardware. In the end, I think it hurts Microsoft the most, so they should do something about it.
So that is exactly what MS has been doing with Win 8. Still, it's not like Ford blindly picks a processor, then doesn't test it, and ships it and goes "but MS, you said we could use anything!". THAT'S a cop out.
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