Here is a counter point to what you have been posting: ... spartanntp
I don't disagree with everything you posted. There is definite politicizing of this topic. I think the inherent problem (for people that perceive a problem) is not that the rich stole the poor's money, but that it is increasingly difficult for the average person to "make it" in today's society.
You posted about the self made billionaires. This is a drop in the bucket when compared to the population. Basically a completely insignificant data point. Sure a couple people got really lucky and got there. That is similar to the 80s and 90s when musicians were making millions. Sure there were a small percentage that made out really well. There were also the rest that made little to nothing. That is not a reasonable economic plan for a nation. My point is, there wasn't really a definitive path to "rock star"
The issue at hand is a perceived lack of a repeatable path to success - not to the 1% but to economic stability. Sure there are a few degrees that have a high probability to getting a good job. There are some good professions that don't require college as already discussed. But the job market is very tough. People getting laid off, struggling to get a job, job markets changing.
With cost of living as high as it is, people are struggling. I agree that the rhetoric attacking some people that have done well is wrong; to totally discredit the issue is also wrong. Charging people that could be doctors exurbanite amounts of money for schooling is crazy. Same for other in-demand professions.
We have a dual income society, where people are paying daycare, student loans, etc. just to "make it". And we are losing a lot of good paying jobs for people that are not college bound.
Instead of the media attacking the rich, and the media attacking the poor, as a society we should be working to help people with opportunities. THat doesn't get news ratings though...