So apparently this is political. Or, possibly also left vs right. Or both. ... ai/520791/
Speaking of left leaning...
As to why it is left vs right my theory is essentially this:
Liberals: We have a huge problem! We need to do something! It's different this time!
Conservatives: We don't have a huge problem. We don't need to do anything. It's not different this time.
As to what makes this a left-leaning article....
This author is barely literate. Her attempt to elevate the Obama administration to the level of experts in machine learning is completely laughable.
Like Obama (the most economically illiterate president ever), liberals are diehard Luddites.
If the liberal fear of "machines" is valid, how is it possible that after 200 years of the ongoing Industrial/Information Revolutions, anyone, anywhere, has a job? How?
So it seems this argument is branded liberal vs conservative. Yay.
But anyway, I maintain this as my opinion on whether we are "about to be in trouble" from automation and AI.
i work in manufacturing, and I already use a LOT of automation in my job. I'm not too worried- I already run 2 or 3 machines simultaneously, some relatively simple additions (which I am already trained to use) could double that- I have developed the skill-sets i need to do all this stuff, smoothly, correctly, and without effort. You know who's gonna get beat by further automation? The temps. We have a steady flow of temps running through our floor, and the more automated we become, the less we need their labor. I'm not about to become obsolescent, at least not before my projected retirement- but, these mostly young people already are, given a little bit more capital investment. The Republicans have at least 3 1/2 more years to take away their health insurance, and 80% of them are skating on the knife-edge of going back to Taco Bell, or worse. Screw these hopeful, hardworking young Americans out of their livelihoods- only a damn fool would think that that's not going to have blowback.
(edit- in case anybody wants to idiotically blather about immigration, NONE, zip, zilch, zero, of these temps are illegal immigrants. American citizens, every last one.)
(edit- a lot of idiots in these comments actually seem to think that automation is actually going to be able to program and repair itself. Not happening. Automation reduces workforce, it does not, and cannot, eliminate it. For one thing, automation is expensive and complicated to manufacture and maintain, and has no inner directed purpose (why would a robot want to make a widget?); the human brain has insight and initiative that no machine will have for the forseeable future, and is readily mass-produced by unskilled labor.)
My stance is's NOT different this time, and the supposed "dark side" of AI is highly overplayed. And by the way, what exactly should the government do? Universal basic income is a thing but honestly we could do that without even touching the automation discussion. They shouldn't be tied together.
Everyone says the future holds that the 1% (and they mean the 0.01% as I've explained previously), will own all the resources and sell us poor non-automation-owning slobs all their stuff, to enrich them. Except that premise is logical garbage. Where do the poor slobs get money in the first place? The rich are only rich because they provide things to the economy that someone can afford to purchase. And by the way, some other genius mentioned this:
Eventually Universal Basic Income will be required, most likely funded by a tax on the output of robotics and automation.
How exactly does that work? If we have automation for everything...who is buying the output of our robotics and automation, if we take this argument to its logical conclusion? That's why this argument is silly.
I guess another way of putting it is the labor market seems to be self-regulating to me. And here's the funny thing: our high domestic cost of labor has actually spurred enormous investments into robotics and automation. Where labor is cheap, guess what they do? They pay people practically nothing, which is actually economically MORE effective than machines. It's just what naturally happens.
This is some seriously left-leaning utopia:
A massive infrastructure program, paid for by the ultra rich, will create millions of jobs. It's not just roads, bridges, trains, airports, schools, etc. It should also include beautifying America. If anyone watches all of the Rick Steves' travel videos of Europe, you'll see how much nicer European cities are. We could put every artist in the nation to work making the nation more attractive. It doesn't have to be cathedrals and sculptures on the streets as in Europe, I'm sure American artists can come up with new expressions.
Sorry that doesn't work. Thomas Sowell can explain it better than I can, but you can only live off the money of someone else for so long. Eventually YOU have to produce something of value to someone ELSE. Period. You want to talk about destined for failure, follow this guy's advice.