This forum is awesome!

Tell me about my awesome forum
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Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by Adam »

Works for me. Sound like it was really easy to setup...
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Ah, tried again. Works great! Posting via SSL. So secure.
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Backed up and optimized all MySQL tables. Might be snappier now.

Really needs to be updated to a new version though...
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Posting images is broken. HTTP 500.

Log file says
Multipart parsing error: Multipart: Failed to create file: /run/shm/modsec_tmp/20190616-062915-XQZEK0f4pb9QySRza1GgKAAAAAg-file-yQXLBB
Input filter: Failed to create temporary file: /run/shm/modsec_tmp/20190616-062915-XQZEK0f4pb9QySRza1GgKAAAAAg-request_body-kNQ2xa
Input filter: Failed to delete temporary file: /run/shm/modsec_tmp/20190616-062915-XQZEK0f4pb9QySRza1GgKAAAAAg-request_body-kNQ2xa
Seems like a permissions issue. Purged cache. No fix. I guess I will submit a ticket. However, it may also simply resolve itself, too, if there is something going on with the server (maintenance?).
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Fixed in 10 minutes via chat. Something weird happened with their firewall apparently and he performed a manual maintenance action to fix it. It may have resolved itself as I feel like this has happened occasionally in the past. Anyway glad I didn't poke around phpBB config too much more since obviously that was not going to fix anything, and I could have broken something else screwing around. I reached the conclusion pretty quickly that it seemed to be a server-side/service-side issue.
Chat started on 16 Jun 2019, 01:40 PM (GMT+0)
(01:40:29) *** Kevin joined the chat ***
(01:40:29) Kevin: Getting HTTP 500 errors upon upload of an attachment on my phpBB forum.
(01:40:43) *** Carlos joined the chat ***
(01:40:55) Carlos: Hello Kevin! My name is Carlos. Please hold a few moments and I'll be right with you.
(01:40:59) Kevin: ok
(01:43:41) Carlos: The upload is triggering the Web Firewall on the server, I will run a configuration to the firewall and we can see if the upload goes through, if not, you can disable the firewall just for that domain on 'Domains >Manage Domains > Edit'
(01:44:02) Kevin: alright standing by
(01:44:53) Kevin: Is this due to running an outdated version of phpBB?
(01:45:47) Carlos: No, but you may want to update the version because outdated software is easier to get compromised
(01:45:52) Kevin: Yeah
(01:45:58) Carlos: OK, give it a try now
(01:46:03) Kevin: Ok, hang on
(01:47:06) Kevin: Seems to be working
(01:47:17) Kevin: So what firewall configuration changed on your end?
(01:47:53) Carlos: I asked the firewall to delete the temporary files on the server. It was not an error on your site but on the firewall
(01:48:41) Kevin: So it just needed this maintenance action?
(01:49:04) Carlos: Yeah, that's all
(01:49:10) Kevin: Is that something I could have done?
(01:49:50) Carlos: No, this is something we need to do for you. The servers are configured to perform these tasks automatically but sometimes they need us to run them
(01:50:02) Kevin: Alright. Glad it wasn't my end. Thanks for the quick help.
(01:50:32) Carlos: No problem! :) I hope you have a fantastic day!
(01:50:46) Kevin: You as well
(01:51:03) *** Carlos left the chat ***
(01:51:20) *** Kevin has commented: Very quick resolution! ***
(01:52:21) *** Kevin left the chat ***
Posts: 2253
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:50 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by Adam »

Did you update to the latest phpBB yet?
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

No. There is no automatic upgrade path. What I can't figure out is if it retains all the posts and topics and that kind of stuff. I don't want to start over...

The documentation is not super clear but it sort of seems like even though the 3.0.x is not compatible with 3.2.x, it can still talk to the DB and display the posts and stuff. I just need a little clarification on that. I can always just copy the forum folder to a backup and try it.
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Hi, DreamHoster!
During a scan of accounts for outdated or insecure software on your account, we detected old, out-of-date PHP versions, including the following on your DreamHost account: - PHPv: php56.cgi - habersham - PHPv: php56.cgi - habersham - PHPv: php56.cgi - habersham - PHPv: php56.cgi - habersham

PHP is the programming language that powers many website platforms, including WordPress, Joomla, and MediaWiki. It continues to be refined and improved over the years, and security issues are patched on a regular basis. As of December 2018, PHP 5.6 and 7.0 are no longer supported by the PHP project, and any bugs or security vulnerabilities discovered in these older versions will not be fixed.

To improve the overall security of your webserver, we are phasing out older and unsupported versions of PHP. Starting in November 2019, we will be upgrading PHP 5.6 and 7.0 to PHP 7.2 on all webservers.

Running the latest versions of website apps atop the latest versions of PHP 7 is a sight to behold. The combination is both faster and far more secure than what exists on your account today. In fact, PHP 7.2 is up to 250% faster than PHP 5.6. No joke.

If you would like to perform a PHP upgrade immediately before our system-wide upgrade, go for it! After all, you know your site best! Simply click "Edit" on Manage Domains for any of your domains and select the version of PHP you'd like to use.

The majority of regularly updated sites work just fine with the latest version of PHP, but we wanted to give you the heads-up now just in case you needed to make preparations! Please note that, like any software update, this update has the potential to break any of your websites which contain PHP code. Please ensure that your code is up-to-date and that they're able to play nicely with the latest versions of PHP 7.

We've put some info in our knowledge base that should address most of your questions, but please don't hesitate to reply directly back to this email in the meantime if there's anything else we can do for you. If your site is a WordPress site, we have a specific guide that will help you understand how to review your WordPress site to ensure it can successfully run on the latest versions of PHP, and we recommend you run through its checklist at your earliest convenience: Upgrading your WordPress site to the latest PHP version

We'll send you a reminder email the week before the upgrade. You'll hear from us again once we've completed the upgrade with a separate email for each upgrade performed.

-The Happy DreamHost "Turbo Speed on a PHP 7 Steed" Robot
Hope this doesn't break my old phpBB installation. I mean I would like to upgrade at some point...

PHP 7.2 is supported on phpBB 3.2.2 and newer
I think my forum is going to break if I don't upgrade phpBB because it's on 3.0.x (maybe .12 or .13)...maybe I'll figure it out over the 3 day weekend. Sysadmin!
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

Just if someone is going to have my same problem in the future:
I followed Mick's directions to upgrade from 3.0.12 to 3.2.5, but I had some strange errors during the DB update: solved setting 777 filesystem permissions to the phpbb directory, subdirectories and files, then reverting them back to defaults after the upgrade.
Fun with Linux filesystem permissions...and I don't know what revert back to defaults means. Is everything just the same? Seems like some folders and files would have different permissions so if that's the case, I have no idea how to "revert" that unless it is just a blanket 755 or something. If this is really the only hiccup I'm not as worried. Just need to get it done.

Oh, and not only that, apparently I need to do it before the php upgrade to 7.2!! Fabulous.
Upgrading from phpbb 3.0.x to phpbb 3.2.x
Your server must be running at least PHP 5.4 and less than PHP 7.1
Most MODs for 3.0.x are incompatible with 3.2.x and their functionality will be removed in the update process.
Styles for 3.0.x cannot be installed or used on 3.2.x.
Backup up your board's files and database
Download the Support Toolkit. Install it and run the database cleaner to remove all old MODs from the database.
Deactivate all styles except for prosilver
Ensure that the activated spambot countermeasure is one of the standard phpBB plugins (Simple image, GD image, GD 3D image, Q&A, reCaptacha).
Set British English as the only language pack
Delete all of your phpBB 3.0.x files EXCEPT for the following:
The config.php file
The /images/ directory
The /files/ directory
The /store/ directory
Upload the contents of the phpBB3 directory from the uncompressed 3.2.x Full Package (EXCEPT for config.php) into your forum's directory (Note: you don't want to overwrite your original config.php file)
Browse to then click the update tab. Click update. then submit for update database only.
Delete the folder named /install/
Posts: 15332
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:28 pm

Re: This forum is awesome!

Post by kevm14 »

I found this: ... rmissions/

Now I just need to save this stuff to reference when I upgrade...
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