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Quora: most difficult thing to learn and accept about life

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:18 pm
by kevm14
What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life?
1. People usually aren't listening. They are either thinking of what they are going to say next, or something else entirely.
2. Everyone is insecure about something, it's not just you.
3. You are going to die no matter what.
4. Your kids will experience hardship.
5. The bigger an organization is, the harder it is to make a change even if the need is so obvious.
6. Some people are bad and have bad intentions.
7. Many people (not all) will steal $100 from you today even if it means missing the opportunity to earn $1000 from you next week.
8. You will never be 100% sure about decision ever. But always make a decision because it's better to go back and fix it than to never make it at all.
9. There is ALWAYS someone who makes more money than you, is more fit, has a better looking spouse, has an easier life, good things happen to them. Usually more than just one.
10. How you react to an event, problem, emotion, or anything, is more important than the actual event, problem, emotion or whatever. You cannot control your emotions, you cannot control others, all you can control is how you are going to react. Sometimes it's easy but usually it's really really hard.

Re: Quora: most difficult thing to learn and accept about li

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:24 pm
by dochielomn
1. Insert picture of any Simpsons' episode where they cut to Homer's brain while Marge is talking
2. Chuck Norris isn't insecure about anything....or maybe he's so insecure that's why he always needs to punch something
3. Maybe you will, i'm not dying...ever
4. Depends on what you consider hardship. Yes, they'll have to pay for their own ivory back scratcher
5. Isn't that what weapons are for? Usually they make a pretty big statement and call for change
6. Depends on your point of view
7. Once again depends, while you're out earning that 1,000, can I steal another $100 from you?
8. Pretty sure there are some decisions that i'm 100% certain on. Like to reply to this post! Or the decision to breathe air, i'm always in support of that for myself.
9. This seems like a repeat of #2, stop trying to make me insecure!
10. Pretty sure Professor Charles Xavier could control other people if he wanted, so maybe so can i.

Re: Quora: most difficult thing to learn and accept about li

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:20 pm
by kevm14
I enjoyed that. Take that, Quora!