Quora: What do Americans find most annoying about foreigners
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:29 pm
https://www.quora.com/What-do-Americans ... foreigners
A couple answers:
A couple answers:
Not much. I'm "foreign-o-phile" and I've spent so much time traveling outside the US, that most differences are more an interesting data-point than annoying. There are rarely a few:
• Making generalizations about the US. The US is huge a diverse and can rarely ever be dumped into a lazy description.
• Using the same tired stupid comments about the US that seem to be normal in every country -- "bad beer" or "bad food" or "too much crime" in the US. The US has every dimension of every option imaginable -- good and bad; tasty and revolting. Take a moment to find it.
• "Ye Olde Worlde" belief that their culture is "old and wise" while the American one is somehow not. My standard response is something like, "Oh, are you from the 'old and wise' culture that murdered 50 million of its own people during a cultural revolution but only after millennia of smashing little girls' feet with rocks and wrapping them in silk? Or, the one that just cast off a dictator a few decades ago? Or, the ancient and wise one that gassed a bunch of Jews? Or, the one that threw wives on pyres and oppressed an underclass of untouchables for thousands of years? Or, the one that tried to conquer East Asia while having 'let's rape the pregnant women and cut their fetuses from their wombs' contests? Or, the one that just had its entire tyrannical, communist empire fall apart and who just spent $50 billion on the shittiest, most embarrassing Olympics ever in human history (due to $10 billion of that money going to corrupt officials)?
Which ancient and wise culture are you from and explain to me your measuring stick for all this amazing wisdom and culture? My culture? The young and dumb one? Yeah, the one that liberated your country and has one of the world's oldest functioning DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN governments with the most copied charter on the planet; the one that develops a grotesquely disproportionate amount of the world's technology, the one that has more than half of all the planet's top universities? That one? Oh. Tell me more about this ancient culture of yours. I'm dying to hear about it!" (none of this should be strawmanned into me saying that the US is better or blameless . . . only that I do not suffer the "ancient and wise" culture bullshit lightly-- people are wise, cultures are not).
• Or as I had to tell one of my almost contractors who attempted to bribe me to lie on his I-9 verification form: "'Bob' -- there's a reason why you're in my country working and I'm not in yours. Take a guess why this is. Sorry. Not interested in what you have to offer."
Now, it's important for me to reiterate, that the opposite is true: there are a lot of Americans that think that we're "blessed by God" or special or better than everybody else because of some "Americanness", which to me is pompous beyond imagination and utterly stupid. The US is just one of many passing polities that have existed for thousands of years. But yes. This time it's special. And gosh darn it, God loves us so much more than the British Empire or Russian Empire or any of the Chinese Empires or the Ottoman Empire or Roman Empire. No. I love my country, but I'm not stupid about it.
I see the first bullet above all the time. It's grating and at least it appeared in the #2 voted answer so I must not be alone.Here are mine. This is mostly from my interactions with Europeans. Keep in mind, this is only some people:
• People who brag about their countries. I see this all the time online. To be honest, in my experience it's usually Scandinavians or Germans (occasionally Canadians). Someone will bring up a problem in America, and they will respond with "Boy America sure is primitive. In my country everyone gets 3 months paid vacation time, free healthcare, and are entitled to a free puppy." That's nice, but it didn't really add anything to the discussion. Or, they will suggest solutions that work great in their country, but might not in others. I got cussed out once for just suggesting that you can't compare Finland exactly to America. Some people I've seen don't seem to realize that what works in a homogenous country with less people than most U.S. states is not going to work in the U.S.
• People who assume that Americans are stupid/ignorant. This has been said before on here, but I'll say it again. A lot of supposedly educated Europeans, who get mad when Americans assume that they are all like they are on TV, seem not to realize that they are doing the same thing to Americans. It's like a double standard. Also, even if they do meet an American that is ignorant, they seem to think it's because they want to be and not because of say, educational failings, or something like that.
• Assuming that all Americans agree with everything America does. This is not true. Even some of the most patriotic flag-waving people I know think that America is going in the wrong direction. The disagreement is why and in what direction America should go.
• Wondering why America is different. As I said in my first point. Some Europeans seem to think that America should be the same as Europe. Quora even reflects this, with the countless questions asking why America does X differently. I can understand about something like the Imperial measurement system, but come on is American football inherently evil? So what Americans don't like soccer/football? I don't know a lot of Jamaicans who play tennis but you don't see me saying that they must be inferior in taste. Also again, I feel like there's a double standard, in some places, if I asked "why don't Europeans like American football" people would probably tell me to stop being ethnocentric.