On Health Care...
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:25 am
I liked this so here it is:
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ ... &ocid=iehp
I do disagree with one thing and it's not his main point: that people who have more than $200/mo in "extra" income are "rich." That's ridiculous. But the rest I agree with.
Found it here:As a licensed insurance agent, I can tell you that HSA's are nothing but a scam. The health insurance corporations wanted people to save their money with them rather than save with banks. It started as a multi-billion dollar grab for people's money they had in bank savings accounts and CD's. Many elderly people have money in CD's. Health insurance companies thought... How can we get that money into our accounts instead of people keeping it in bank accounts.
First, you have to have a decent income in order to have an extra $200 a month to save with a health insurance company, and MANY people do not have this extra money. So ONLY rich people have any benefit from HSA's.
HSA's have high deductibles. Insurance companies wanted this so that if you need to see a doctor, you would take money out of your HSA, which is your money, and it wouldn't cost the insurance company any money for your visit. You have to pay your deductible before your insurance kicks in.
If the country wants to truly have a health care system that benefits everyone, we need to scrap EVERYTHING, and start from scratch. A dollar spent on PREVENTION saves about $100 in paying for treatment and cures. In America, we have NO real preventitive health plan. Let me give you an example... We have NO heartattack nationwide prevention plan such as FREE heart screenings, but the government pays BILLIONS to subsidize hospitals that treat heartattack victims.
Our politicians do not understand the basic phrase that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So now they are offering HSA's for rich people who can afford them. HOW can this bring in more prevention? Answer... It can't.
Obamacare was a flop and Rand Paul's plan is a flop. The answer to national health care is prevention and must also tackle the malpractice industry, ambulance chasing attorneys and a list of other things that drive up health care costs.
NO ONE has actually created a plan in America that will bring costs down. This should be the first step. Then we could look at how to bring prevention will would SAVE billions!
Don't forgot, we DO have a national health care system. It's called the emergency room, and it is the most expensive health care and most ineffective health care system in the world. We spend more on health care than anyone, but that's because we have no prevention or maintenance check ups to prevent small things from becoming big health problems.
HSA's will hurt the poor and financially cripple the middle class as HSA's take money from your paycheck. Then you have less money to spend, which of course damages the economy as a whole because less money is circulating in your small town. But hey, as long as the insurance companies make more money, right?
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ ... &ocid=iehp
I do disagree with one thing and it's not his main point: that people who have more than $200/mo in "extra" income are "rich." That's ridiculous. But the rest I agree with.