dochielomn wrote:Right, but to the core of my question, as an actuary, can I manipulate stats to prove what I want?
My answer is both yes and no.
The yes is true when the data is casually presented and the consumer is sort of forced to take the conclusion at face value from the presenter.
The no is true when the consumer has access to all data sources and the data itself that was used to create the presentation. It should be evident through investigation whether there was any foul play, but this investigation is tedious, time consuming and may even require subject matter expertise. Which is why the answer is probably "yes" a lot more often than "no," sadly.
So the trick is to identify when you are about to be manipulated and to critically ask for more information. If the response is "trust us" then you should really be skeptical.
By the way, this brings up another point. If an energy company tells me to relax and buy some oil, that they looked into it and it's just fine, should I be skeptical because of who is telling me? Of course I should. But science is supposed to be unbiased and an examination of data should reveal the true answer. Remember, everyone has an agenda.
And because everything is political: ... the-means/
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” CS Lewis
In American politics, liberals often accuse conservatives of being not just wrong, but downright evil; and the accusation is true. It’s true, that is, if you accept the moral code that liberals use when they judge other people’s behavior.
There is no universally accepted code of Right and Wrong. An action can only be described as morally right or wrong when it is judged according to a set of moral standards, and we do not all use the same standards.
Of Ends and Means
One area where liberal morals differ from more traditional morals is on the question of whether “the end justifies the means.” Leftists tend to believe that any course of action is virtuous if the intention is to achieve some important end like banning guns, or promoting gay rights, or helping Democrats win political elections.
What this means is it is kind of a liberal thing to believe that the ends justify the means. What does this have to do with our discussion? Because they believe, in general, that even if you make up some facts or manipulate statistics, if you get that end result which is deemed (by their definition) to be morally correct, whatever happened in the middle is of no real consequence. I have a problem with this fundamentally and I think THAT is why all this AGW nonsense is so politicized (sorry to bring this over here but it is relevant). Example straw man I just made up:
Person A: "Humans are destroying the planet, we need to do something."
Person B: "Prove that."
Person A: "See this graph? Mean global temperature has been steady for 100 years and is now exponentially going to shoot up if we don't do something."
Person B: "Yeah, that actually was pseudo-science or even fraud, and that graph is not true."
Person A: "That doesn't matter - I KNOW humans are destroying the planet so why do I need to produce any facts at all? We just need to take action. My cause is noble and therefore facts don't matter."
Ok that was a bit of a tangent but again it is related to the other thread. This kind of stuff bothers me.