Septic outlet filter cleaning

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Septic outlet filter cleaning

Post by kevm14 »

The company that installed my replacement septic tank said to clean this filter twice a year. My tank is part of the new rules. It's dual-chambered and also has a PVC filter on the outlet to prevent any solids from clogging the leach field, which is one cause of septic backups. My leach field is fine, so this should keep it that way.

First, I had to get the outside spigot flowing water. It is 19°F outside and my hands were freezing. I hope someone appreciates this!

Now onto the actual job.

Here are the covers. No more hidden septic covers under the new rules, apparently. And two covers because it's dual chambered with a slit pass-through.
Heavy concrete.
Use a heavy prying instrument. I like this crowbar. It came with my house I believe. My house also came with a scary-large pipe wrench. I use it for other things.
It's like 2.5" thick I'd estimate. Very heavy. I have to roll it around.
Here's a closer shot of the inner cover.
It is also quite heavy. Just lift it up and put aside.
Check out the filter.
Liquids that want to transition to the leach field have to go through this coarse mesh. There's a locking tab that you have to pull out to allow it to come out of the pipe.
Since the hose was frozen I just turned on the faucet and rinsed it that way. Almost as effective. All clean. Mostly.
Installation is the reverse of removal. Please replace your divots.
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