This one interests me. And there are some good answers here.
This is one area that really does irritate me about many folks on the left (at least my perception is that it is "many"). Naturally, the media fans the flames and makes it even worse but many of the points in here have been key issues over the past 5 years.Unlike you, I am largely a liberal, but like you — I am a somewhat untraditional one (at least compared to those in these quarters).
While I depart from the party line on a number of issues, this is the one that I believe to be at the root of my dissent.
Political Correctness
To be clear, conservatives are guilty of political correctness, too. If I’m shouted down as “anti-American” because I neglect to stand for the pledge, that’s classic political correction. But, liberals, in recent years, have done a damn good job at making this issue their own.
What exactly political correctness is, is hard to define; but for most, it’s obvious when it occurs. Here are a few examples:
1. Conflating a football team’s name — the Red Skins — with oppressive racism.
2. Calling people racist who say that a black person who commits a crime is a criminal — not a “victim” of “institutional racism”
3. Call a women attractive, I’m “objectifying her,” don’t call a women attractive, “I’m fat shaming her.”
4. The treatise every sexual assault victim has the right to be believed, has somehow morphed into every accusation made by a victim of a sexual assault is always true.
5. Refusing to recognize the highly illiberal nature of Islam, as it is often practiced. There is nothing liberal about a religion that actively (this is where it differs critically from American Christianity and Judaism, which have rejected fundamentalism in a way Islam hasn’t) seeks to oppress homosexuals, the sexual rights of women, and a slew of other fundamentally liberal notions.
Note: Islam is not a race, it’s a set of ideas. Criticizing it does not make me a bigot anymore than criticizing 50 Shades of Grey makes me a sexist.
6. Instructing comedians — not just lame amateurs, but masters of their craft — what they can, and cannot joke about. These instructions are often hypocritical, to boot. Poor, white, meth-addicted working class individuals in the south? Fair game. Poor, black, crack-addicted working class individuals in the inner city? Here’s the address of your local KKK chapter, you racist.
Well-known liberals such as Jerry Seinfeld now reportedly refuse to perform on campuses for this very reason. A damn shame.
7. Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, and Blue Lives are all mutually exclusive. It’s news to me that I have to pick between my best friend, who is black, myself, who follows under “all lives,” and my cousin, who is a cop for the NPYD. I proudly sport all three bumper stickers on my car, which apparently is controversial position.
8. The proper recourse for a speaker you don’t like now involves spray paint, fires, and intimidation.
To sum it up — Liberalism, to me, is advancing free speech to its fullest possible extent. Not “nice” speech. Not “good” speech. Just speech. I’d like to think that the strength of my convictions are strong enough to weather a short speech by Milo or Murray.
Conservatives are hardly better on this issue, and in my eyes, much worse on most others (which is why I’m still a proud liberal/democrat despite what I’ve written). But so long as they keep sounding the alarm on the excesses of liberal political correctness, I’ll keep agreeing.