Maxima cooling saga

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Maxima cooling saga

Post by kevm14 »

This one is funny because there were no noticeable external symptoms. But a deeper look proved otherwise. The temp was behaving oddly after I replaced the radiator and thermostat months ago. Main symptoms were temps that pretty much stayed above 200°F and a cold lower radiator hose. If I disconnected the fans to let the engine warm up to say 210°F, the thermostat would open fully and let it cool to the fan turn off temp, around 198°F. But it wouldn't last. I eventually traced it to a thermostat issue, since it seemed like it was not going fully open then hanging shut once temps came down.

I replaced the thermostat (again) with a Nissan OEM one. Had a lot of fun getting the cheap paper gasket off the thermostat mounting surface (the block, really - and very difficult to access, as it is recessed below the timing cover). The OEM gasket is some kind of plastic and won't do that. Should have gone OEM originally but I figured...why should I have to? Well I guess I had to. Because funny thing - temps are now holding steady at 180°F, which is the rating of the thermostat. Lower hose is no longer cold. Fixed.
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Re: Maxima cooling saga

Post by Fast_Ed »

Ha! Gotta love those easy fixes!

Unless they are preceded by months of frustration and being sprayed by scalding coolant.
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