Sports and the White House

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Sports and the White House

Post by dochielomn »

So I had read Charles Barkley's comments a few days ago and I'm seeing this article now and I'm curious as to people's thoughts. ... 24666.html

I think I tend to side more with Barkley and disagree with what Steve Kerr had to say to some extent. Mainly because it appears Kerr doesn't even want to try. I think you can at least give it a try and if Trump behaved exactly how you described, then you can at least say that you tried and that you wouldn't engage in any further discussions.

But going back to what Barkley said, while I do agree that within the USA, we have the right to do as we please (in this case, a player or players saying that even if invited, they'd refuse to go), I still think that it's a show of respect to the office and not necessarily the person that holds that office. Because if you entirely disagree with the person on all levels, you could still use the chance to see the actual White House and potentially get access to areas that not everyone gets to see. And in this case, I think at least making an attempt to try to initiate a discussion on issues that you feel the President is lacking on is something that could be done and you never know what the results might be.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by kevm14 »

I don't do sports but I was disgusted by an article headline that basically said something like "Trump is politicizing sports." Meanwhile, ESPN has been politicizing sports for how many years now? Been at least a couple. It goes back to the whole general double standard thing I hate. It's only "politicizing" when you don't like the politics.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by Bob »

In previous administrations, there have been plenty of individual athletes who didn't attend white house ceremonies and the president never personally called them out. Can you imagine if Obama had tweeted at Tom Brady that his invitation was rescinded after Tom was said he wasn't going to the White House following the 2014 Super Bowl win? There would have been mass media hysteria then too! By the way, Tom didn't go when Trump was president either, but this was widely believed to be because his mother was struggling with cancer at the time. The reasons for his skipping the 2015 visit when Obama was president were a little more murky.

Also, Trump's many tweets about NFL players taking a knee during the anthem were nothing but a dog whistle to his base to distract them from the fact that he's accomplished nothing that he set out to do.

I guess all I'm saying is I feel like every day professionalism reaches another new low, both on the part of the media and the president.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by Bob »

Provided without comment.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by Bob »

Some humor.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by dochielomn »

I get that some athletes have been part of a championship team and skipped going to the White House because they don't agree with the President's politics.. I just don't personally agree with it. I know back in 2012, the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup and their goalie, Tim Thomas, won the playoffs MVP and was outstanding and a huge reason why the Bruins won a championship. However, Thomas chose to skip going to the White House because he didn't agree with Obama on politics. So, yes, while I agree that Thomas has the right to skip out on meeting the President and going to the White House, my attitude is more about how you just show respect to the office and that if invited, you should go (only if extenuating circumstances are forcing you to not go).

In the case of Trump vs. Curry, Curry had previously stated that he wasn't going to go. Then, to see Trump tweet that the offer was rescinded was just laughable and childish because it's like the employer trying to fire an employee who just said "i quit". Hell, I expected to see/read that Trump had officially banned Curry and the Warriors from the White House.

Now, Trump vs. the NFL, to me, to call all of the NFL players (who are kneeling) a bunch of SOBs was definitely too far. The President should act above this type of behavior. He can say that he is disappointed in the players but there is no need to call them an SOB. Although, now I kind of wonder what the NFL players are protesting about by kneeling. I understand last season with Kaepernick in kneeling for social/racial injustice and wanting to start a dialogue for change. But now, I get the sense that the kneeling is more just players being Anti-Trump which I don't feel is right. Yes, there is a ton to disagree with Trump on all accounts and you can protest his actions. But to do it in sports by kneeling during the national anthem, just seems off to me and somewhat out of place.

But going back to my original point, I just have a general attitude that should the White House extend an invitation to visit and to be honored for whatever your achievement is, that you should accept it and go, regardless of how you feel about the President and their politics. And as Barkley pointed out, while you're there, try to strike up a conversation/meeting about what bothers you and how we can go about changing things to make the world a better place. If the President flat out rejects this idea, then maybe you can take it public and say how you tried but the person was unwilling. But at least you did give a try as oppose to just flat out refusing to go.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by Bob »

I think it's a personal decision on whether to go or not and I can't really fault anyone for going or not going and I certainly won't dictate what I think is best for them personally. I agree that it's important to engage with the opposition if you want to enact real change. When Obama visited my company in 2010, there was a small minority of employees who decided to skip the event because of how they felt about him as a president. There was also one woman who opposed Obama, but decided to go and ask a question about the Affordable Care Act. You can scroll to 36:00 to see her question here:
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by bill25 »

He answered this question like an absolute professional. Completely calm, and stating his case. Even if you disagree, which is absolutely fine, at least he talked in a way where there could be a rational calm discussion. We need to get to a place where both parties and the President can have rational conversations again, without the media making it look like someone is a traitor to their party for working across party lines.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by bill25 »

I want to respect the importance of your question.
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Re: Sports and the White House

Post by kevm14 »

Quora: How is #TakeAKnee perceived by politically conservative communities in the US?

First answer:
Here is something that will help:

The Left in 2004: “We are offended that you would even dare to call us unpatriotic. We love our country and you conservatives are simplifying the issue. We love our flag and this nation and all it stands for.”

The Left in 2017: “We demand you choose not to stand up for the American flag and anthem. Unless you are a racist bigot”

I also have a personal anecdote from this morning:

I go to a pretty liberal high school. I stood up for the pledge while all my liberal classmates (who are mostly white) were talking and laughing and sitting down. As soon as the announcement was over, here are some of the things people said to me (keep in mind that I am brown):

“You are perpetuating racism and bigotry”

“You hate black people and this is you showing it”

“Why are you supporting a Nazi country”

I’ll leave it up to you to decode how conservatives feel about the movement.
That's pretty much how I feel.
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